FAQ and additional information
Can you use mineral oil on wood furniture?
Mineral oil is safe to use on wood furniture. To apply: Add a small amount of mineral oil on to a lint free cloth and wipe over the furniture. Mineral oil by design is a non-drying wood preservative and for this reason excess oil should be wiped off with a dry towel.
Why food grade mineral oil for wood?
Seppula Mineral Oil Wood Conditioner soaks into your household wood items, to help keep them protected from staining, weathering, splitting, warping, and splintering. It doesn't just keep wood in good condition, it also acts as a water-repellent barrier. It will reduce the chances that wood cutting boards and furniture will stain when wine or other liquids are spilled on them. It will also reduce the chances the wood will rot from prolonged contact with water
Where to buy food grade mineral oil?
Seppula Mineral Oil Wood Conditioner is Available on Amazon with free shipping for Prime members
Can you use mineral oil on wood floors?
Seppula Mineral Oil Wood Conditioner is safe to use on wood floors. To apply: Add a small amount of mineral oil on to a lint free cloth and wipe over the area you want to treat. Mineral oil by design is a non-drying wood preservative and for this reason excess oil should be wiped off with a dry towel.
Does mineral oil darken wood?
Almost every wood treatment darkens wood slightly. Seppula Mineral Oil Wood Conditioner is no exception. There are no dies in our conditioner so the affect will be minimal when compared to other options.
Butcher block oil vs mineral oil?
Products offered as butcher block oil often have additives in addition to a mineral oil base. We don’t believe there is a benefit to these additives, and since our product is offered as food safe, we go through great lengths to ensure the only thing in our product is pure food grade mineral oil.
How long to let mineral oil dry on wood?
This depends on how porus the species of wood being treated is. In general a 5-10 minutes is just fine for wood that has already been treated with mineral oil. If the wood is newly sanded (new article or old and fresh sanded) 4-8 hours should be allowed for the initial treatment.
Can you use mineral oil on stained wood?
Yes you can. It works best with water-based stains that have fully dried.
Butcher block conditioner vs oil?
Products offered as butcher block conditioners often have additives in addition to a mineral oil base. We don’t believe there is a benefit to these additives, and since our product is offered as food safe, we go through great lengths to ensure the only thing in our product is pure food grade mineral oil.
What is food grade mineral oil?
Food grade mineral oil is a refined natural petroleum product. Only food grade mineral oil is ‘generally recognized as safe’ (GRAS). Other forms of mineral oil should not be used on food contact surfaces.